Parking lot renovations certainly are one of the most noticeable upgrades a facility can make. Not only is the fresh, black asphalt a striking contrast to gray, aged asphalt, but the addition of new parking lot striping, signage and lighting can truly enhance a customers first impression of your facility.
Some of the top reasons for parking lot renovations include:
Repair Potholes – making asphalt repairs can alleviate standing water, remove vehicle and pedestrian hazards, and maintain the asphalts integrity.
Resurface Asphalt – an asphalt overlay can improve the drivability of a parking lot, correct drainage issues and increase the safety of the lot.
Sealcoating – not only does sealcoating help protect asphalt, it looks great too!
Improve Parking – reworking the parking lot stall layout can increase the amount of parking and/or improve the ease of parking and safety for visitors.
Upgrade Signage – adding directional signs on the asphalt or through metal signage in a parking lot and can help better direct traffic and warn visitors of potential hazards or traffic flow patterns.
Alleviate Traffic Bottlenecks –correcting traffic flow issues through improved navigational signage and parking lot line marking and striping can prevent vehicle traffic from backing up in key intersections and also notify visitors of alternate exits.
Provide Pedestrian Safety – line striping of crosswalks make clear paths for visitors entering and exiting the parking area.
Upgrade Lighting – installing additional lighting or upgrading the existing lighting improves visibility and safety in parking areas.
What to Expect
To determine the extent of your parking lot renovation needs, your paving contractor will come out to walk the property. He or she will discuss what the owners or facility manager would like to renovate and then make his recommendations. Your estimate will be in writing and a start date along with a completion timeframe will be set.
During the parking lot renovations, certain areas may need to be roped off to vehicle and pedestrian traffic to complete the work. Your paving contractor will work with you to best meet your parking needs and to avoid disrupting your business as much as possible.
No Commercial Job Too Big or Too Small for AFS GC
Implementing solutions for projects of all sizes, AFS General Contractor in Orlando offers a wide range of services. Whether you’re looking to renovate, repair, build-out or construct a new building, AFS GC is the only contractor you need to know. Contact us today at 407-487-4546 or visit our website at https://afsgeneralcontracting.com.